Friday, February 5, 2010


Now is when I need to come up with some inspiration for our Cake.... Now I have been the biggest WAFFLER out there not sure if I wanted cuppie cakes or regular cake. I asked the Mister and he told me "We Shall Eat Cake" and so that is the answer cake for everyone. Now if only we can settle on a design.

Some serious cake love going on here!

after doing searches on the internet for cakes I realized the best source to go to was the Knot. They had some amazing cakes that were just fracking incredible. If you need inspiration check them out This site had me squeeling, ooooh'ing and Ahhhhing all at once, and I started getting a sugar high. So once I come up with the perfect design for my cake I will share it with my blog peeps for now I'm going to browse like a kid in an aquarium.